representing the highest aspirations of all social classes, Thus was born by the silversmith Thomas BOULSOVER (1704/1788) Sheffield, had to name the city of residence BULSOVER.
It consists of superimposing a sheet of copper as a base and another silver were then welded together at high temperature, the plate could be obtained worked like a silver plate with the same systems, cantilever, stamping, and engraving .
There was however a problem adattabbilitĂ to contain food and drink because of the exposed parts of copper, was another such entrepreneur MATTHEW BOULTON (1728/1809) which solved the problem by inserting two sheets of silver in the middle of the copper plate aggiuggendo also the points of greatest friction another layer of silver.
Today, there are admirable reproductions on the original designs, with prices for everyone ..... From Casart you can find all the charm of Old England , with the collection Sheffiel Original ....
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