One day, after reading a stack of books on trading eight feet high, I made a list of lessons that I gained studying.
Sure! There were many things that were said in those publications, but very important and especially useful there were a handful, no more!
then I started to collect this information to make a practical course on forex and eventually it came out of a book: FOREX TRADER! Survival course in the currency market
starts from defining the most common terms of forex and comes quickly to explain the technical necessary for trading.
Since I did not want to dwell on long technical explanations I alternated the technical chapters of the nice stories describing the adventures of two friends of forex trader. With this device becomes a hilarious address the issue and trading mainly get the idea of \u200b\u200bhow the trading in real life.
If you want more information, visit the book: or write to
You can ask for the first part of the book as an ebook pdf
Good trading to all
Loris Zoppelletto
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