Cari Erbosi, in questi giorni sono a casa ammalata con tanto di tosse, raffreddore e febbre. Alterno i classici medicinali alle gocce di ECHINACEA per rinforzare un pò le difese immunitarie. Ma mi sono capitati sott'occhio questi consigli:
In caso di temperatura elevata con pelle hot and red indicates the 15 CH BELLADONNA, while fever cold shock may be indicated 'A CONITUM 15 CH (granules). These herbs can stimulate sweating thereby lowering the temperature.

You can also make a very effective mixture of ELDER (flowers), Birch (leaves), and TIMO (flowering tops) in equal parts. Prepare the infusion by placing a spoonful of the mixture in a cup of boiling water and let stand covered for ten minutes. Strain and sweeten with a tablespoon of honey.

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