Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Signature Text Quotes


mi sono messa Poiché in testa di fare cose per bene e the di più organizzarmi I can now show you how to do I think of the layout of my tickets. Of course there is the basic step that a lot of time jumping from one blog to another to watch the news, but I like to see the layout that I find pretty, easy or original. So I understood that by train or by car or when I go fishing with my love, I find myself playing a note or write down an idea.
and quindiiiiiiiiiiii ?????????? Bonolis as saying on TV !!!!!
So here you are a farm that you can download and print Recto / Verso Horizontal and having to set your CARNET LO !!!!!
For emergencies, like mine, really!!
Once printed pages 5 or 6, I the piego a metà, aggiungo carina una copertina della foto come questa e poi con la crop_a_dile perforo due mezzi buchi sul bordo per passare in mezzo stuffed it nastro. In questo modo posso anche riutilizzare the copertina ..

Since I promised myself to better organize my work, now I show you how I grade my projects. That I often find myself on the train, car or fishing with my love and please note somewhere an idea or layout (LO) I have seen on blogs that I watch often, but I I found the most part of times without neither pen nor paper.
So there! In an emergency, then click here: Book LO. Print
5 or 6 pages Recto / Verso Horizontal, pliez les pages à moitié, ajoutez devant une couverture et les pages avec un ruban attachez après avoir avec la TROUS drilling two crop-a-Dile. Comme ça on peut aussi réutiliser the turndown.
A bientôt !!!!!


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